Rethinking Philanthropy for effective Social Change: Can we all be philanthropists?

When I think of philanthropy and as the concept continues to grow popular amongst Africa’s elites, I find myself asking the question – “Why”? Not why philanthropy, but rather, why be philanthropic. In the most basic terms, philanthropy is the act of…

Lives, Livelihoods and Lockdowns – The quandary of the ‘Three Big Ls’ and the COVID-19 Pandemic

It is safe to say that 2020 so far, has been a play of three keywords which I have coined the ‘Three Big Ls’ of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Governments world over have essentially danced around these three decision areas, ironic too, that…

COVID-19: To trace or not to test? Leveraging technology for social impact

The word “unprecedented” has probably recorded the highest usage in the past couple of months as it best describes the time’s nations across the globe find themselves. Nobody has a clear-cut strategy, and each day comes with new questions that require answers…

Life after COVID-19: Should Impact Investing be the future for Nigeria’s Organised Private Sector?

I was having a conversation with a friend about the current COVID-19 lockdown and what it means for the lower class who depend on a daily income to feed, and essentially stay alive. We agreed that the lockdown is almost like a…

Life with COVID-19: Can we make work easier for the doctors by staying at home?

In the spirit of practising Social Distancing, my 7-year old daughter pops her head out the window to speak to her friend across the fence – her words “ Braibi, we have to stay at home because of Coronavirus, we need to…

Are businesses acting socially responsible by not shutting down to practice social distancing?

This question has played on my mind following various reports on the vicious spread of the Coronavirus and my observation of how some businesses are reacting to curb the spread. My personal hypothesis is that post #COVID19, life as we know it…